R 111816Z JUN 20 MID510001254126U FM COMNAVRESFOR NORFOLK VA TO NAVRESFOR NAVOSO INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC COMNAVRESFORCOM NORFOLK VA COMNAVAIRFORES SAN DIEGO CA COMNAVIFORES FORT WORTH TX COMNAVRESFOR NORFOLK VA BT UNCLAS ALNAVRESFOR 013/20 // MSGID/GENADMIN/COMNAVRESFOR NORFOLK VA/N5/JUN// SUBJ/GUIDANCE TO RESERVE COMMANDERS ON RESUMING ON-SITE DRILL WEEKENDS// POC/Radomile, David/LCDR/COMNAVRESFORCOM N5/TEL: (757) 322-6655/ E-mail: david.radomile(AT)navy.mil// RMKS/1. The Navy Reserve Force initiated several temporary policies over the past three months designed to mitigate the risk of COVID-19 to our Sailors while maintaining readiness to answer our Nation's call whenever and wherever we are needed. 2. All documents can be found at the following CNRFC SharePoint site: https://private.navyreserve.navy.mil/cnrfc/N-Codes/N5/Pages/ NOSC-Restaffing-Guidance.aspx 3. As our Navy Reserve Activities (NRA) begin to see the risk of the COVID-19 pandemic decline in their states and local communities, it is now appropriate to begin a phased and methodical approach to bringing our Selected Reservists (SELRES) back to on-site drills commencing in July. NRA/Navy Operational Support Centers (NOSC) will each develop a distinct plan for on-site drill weekends. There is not a one size fits all solution for the entire Reserve Force. Leaders need to be innovative with the clear intention of finding ways to safely return an appropriate number of SELRES, based on local conditions, to on-site drills in July. Communicating the plan, including updates, to staff and SELRES is imperative. 4. Commanding officers shall adopt a local, conditions based approach as staff and SELRES transition from telework back to on-site operations. Easing of these restrictions will be driven by Health Protection Conditions (HPCONs) and the latest CDC guidance. As leaders, we are charged with protecting the health and safety of our Force, their families, and our communities, while generating mobilization and warfighting readiness. We are subject to policies issued by the DOD, DON, NAVNORTH, and the CNIC regions and installations. The guidance below provides a framework to navigate the multiple layers of requirements and decision-matrices Reserve leaders must consider. 5. While the majority of this guidance focuses on NOSC operations, all NRAs are directed to work with their ISICs to develop a plan on how to reset operations in a safe and effective manner. The following process is an overview of how NOSCs will recommence on-site drilling. A. There are two distinct processes to consider as NOSC commanding officers resume on-site drilling. The first is changing HPCON status and only applies to off-installation NOSCs. The second involves the development and approval of individual drill weekend plans, this applies to on and off-installation NOSCs. All referenced documents will be available on the SharePoint site linked in paragraph 2. 1. NOSCs located on DOD installations will assume the HPCON of the installation. NOSCs not located on installations will follow the HPCON status set by their respective Navy Regions. Due to the unique nature of drill weekends, NOSC commanding officers may always adopt a more restrictive posture than their installation or surrounding community if deemed appropriate. a. Off-installation NOSCs may request a lowering of their HPCON status. NOSC commanding officers requesting to reduce their HPCON will follow the procedures described in NAVNORTH FRAGORD 20-024.003. This request will be routed to the appropriate RCC for endorsement. Prior to forwarding the request to the Navy Regions, RCC commanders will brief CNRFC on the HPCON change request. RCCs will then forward the request to their respective Navy Regions to be briefed to CNIC, and NAVNORTH for approval. NOSCs will only be able to operate under the lowered HPCON after receiving approval from NAVNORTH. 2. Prior to executing on-site drilling, NOSC commanding officers will submit the Operations Change Request form to their respective RCCs for approval. This form will advise RCC commanders of a NOSCs local conditions, to include HPCON, gating criteria, and the NOSC commanding officer's intentions and concerns. RCC commanders will brief CNRFC bi-weekly on the status of the NOSCs in their region. To help with plan development, an Activities Reference has been created with suggestions and references for commanding officers to consider. 6. Prior to returning to their facility or installation, all service members and civilians are encouraged to take the following DOD symptom based survey to determine your likelihood of COVID-19 infection. https://mysymptoms.mil 7. Our primary focus will remain the safety of our Sailors, families, and civilian team members, while generating readiness. If you have any questions or concerns about the overall guidance, speak with your chain of command or POC listed in this message. 8. Released by RADM J.A. Schommer, Deputy Commander, Navy Reserve Force.// BT #0017 NNNN